
Machine Vision

Data-driven insight to ready the production line for Industry 4.0

  • Article in Automotive Testing Technology International
March 5, 2019

A key principle of any digital journey for a manufacturer, whether or not they are in the automotive supply chain, comes down to making effective use of production data. Learn how to ready your production line for Industry 4.0 with data-driven insights in this article, contributed by Sciemetric's Manufacturing IT Manager, Patrick Chabot.

Collecting data: Why machine vision matters as part of your IIoT strategy

  • Article in Industrial Machinery Digest
March 1, 2018

Whether you’re a machine shop, a job shop, or a contract manufacturer in the supply chain of a major OEM, your success today rests with how machine vision data comes together with all the rest of your production data. In this article, Sciemetric's Manufacturing IT Manager, Patrick Chabot discusses how to be more competitive and break machine vision out of its silo.

Eight reasons why you should manage your machine vision data

  • Article in Vision Systems Design
February 7, 2018

In this feature with Vision Systems Design, Mathew Daniel, Sciemetric’s VP of Operations, explores how bringing images and image data into the serialized birth history record for each part in production opens the door to advanced analytics for process improvement and traceability for defect containment. It just takes careful planning to determine how best to collect, store and manage this data.

Bridging the machine vision data gap for Manufacturing 4.0

  • Article in IMV Europe
July 14, 2017

In this feature published by Imaging and Machine Vision Europe, Mathew Daniel, Sciemetric’s VP of Operations, discusses how vendors of machine vision systems and manufacturers must take a holistic approach to make more effective use of machine vision data as a tool to help raise production quality. He explores the value of integrating vision data into the serialized birth history record for each part in production.