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Sciemetric Insights

How much big data do you need?

  • Article in Manufacturing Automation
May 1, 2019

The idea of big data and Industry 4.0 can overwhelm manufacturers—but it doesn't have to. The first step towards Industry 4.0 doesn't have to be a giant leap. At it's core, it's just about using your data in a productive way. Jeff McBee, Regional Sales Manager at Cincinnati Test Systems, offers 7 questions to self-diagnose your need for data-driven analytics in the latest issue of Manufacturing AUTOMATION.

Who should be your digital-transformation champion?

  • Article in Smart Industry
April 9, 2019

We often talk about “silos” in manufacturing, referring to process and test data trapped on the production line that could otherwise be used to drive improvements in quality and yield. But as we all grapple with this thing called Industry 4.0, the silos that often cause the most problems are the ones that exist between people, not machines. Read this article by Jeff McBee, Regional Sales Manager at Cincinnati Test Systems, to help identify who best to appoint as champion of digital transformation initiatives in your plant and which questions you should be asking yourselves as you devise your approach to Industry 4.0.

Data-driven insight to ready the production line for Industry 4.0

  • Article in Automotive Testing Technology International
March 5, 2019

A key principle of any digital journey for a manufacturer, whether or not they are in the automotive supply chain, comes down to making effective use of production data. Learn how to ready your production line for Industry 4.0 with data-driven insights in this article, contributed by Sciemetric's Manufacturing IT Manager, Patrick Chabot.

The noise in the background: Ensuring accuracy with helium leak testing

  • Article in Quality Magazine
October 1, 2018

There are some instances where an acceptable leak rate is so small as to be practically zero. Few air leak test methods, such as pressure decay, have the necessary detection range. These situations call for a trace gas-based test method. Learn more in this article in Quality Magazine, written by Cincinnati Test Systems' Systems Engineer, Peter Bonyhati.

What can go wrong will

  • Article on
August 30, 2018

Even on a modern manufacturing line equipped to collect and analyze process data, something can always slip through the cracks to derail quality and efficiency. This is only to be expected. But what if a key assembly process still rests entirely with a human being manually completing a task? There is no obvious data trail, no process monitoring in real-time. What then? In this article, Sciemetric's Manufacturing IT Manager, Patrick Chabot discusses the importance of having a strategy for continuous improvement on the line.

Case study: Shaping data, ensuring uptime

  • Article in Smart Industry
May 31, 2018

Industry 4.0 technologies are not merely nice to have. Business pressures are forcing these kinds of investments for many manufacturers. ROI can be rapid when you consider the cumulative cost of downtime, warranty claims, and scrap and rework that can be avoided with the right technology investment. Learn how Sciemetric helps manufacturers embrace Industry 4.0 in this article by Sciemetric's Aaron Alberts for the Smart Industry Forum.

Effective data analysis

  • Article in Manufacturing Automation
May 1, 2018

In this feature published by Automation Magazine, Dave Mannila, senior product manager at Sciemetric, talks about how manufacturers can and should use their production data for greater visibility into production processes – to reduce cycle times, control costs and improve productivity across the plant. With today’s tools, a modest investment can generate an ROI in a matter of months and yield millions in annual savings.