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Product Discontinuation Notices

Discontinuation Notice: Model 298 CPU Drawer

March 28, 2014

Model 298 CPU Drawer Discontinuation Notice Re: 298 CPU Drawer The Model 298 was introduced in the late 1990s and has been a robust solution for monitoring manufacturing processes for many years. However, as a result of the discontinuation of components used in the manufacture of the 298 CPU …

Discontinuation Notice: sigPOD 1400 Series

January 31, 2013

sigPOD 1400 Series Discontinuation Notice Re: sigPOD® 1402, 1404, 1408 Sciemetric is streamlining and simplifying the sigPOD family of products by discontinuing the sigPOD 1400 line, which includes the 1402, 1404 and 1408 models. Improvements to other models within the sigPOD family have made…