Sciemetric exhibiting at The Assembly Show 2015
Sept 1, 2015, – Ottawa, Canada - Sciemetric Instruments ( whose technology is being used by some of the world’s largest manufacturers to improve quality and manufacturing processes, is exhibiting at The Assembly Show from October 27-29, 2015 in booth 1023 …
Sciemetric teams up with Graco
Graco Inc., a world leader in fluid handling products and systems, teams up with Sciemetric to create the Graco® Dispense Analyzer for use on its Precision Continuous Flow (PCF) metering and dispense system for drivetrain gasketing applications.
Discontinuation Notice: 3520A, 3521A Leak Test modules
As of August 25, 2015, Sciemetric no longer offers the 3520A or 3521A Leak Test Modules with mechanical regulators. Please review the discontinuation notice for details.
Discontinuation Notice: sigPOD Press Application Software
Product Bulletin: sigPOD Press Application Software As of July 17, 2015 and the release of Windows 7 Embedded on sigPODs, Sciemetric will no longer offer sigpOD Press as part of the standard software load on the sigPOD. Customers can have the Press application added to their sigPOD upon request …
Discontinuation Notice: PSV Leak Software
As of July 17, 2015, the sigPOD 3404 will no longer ship with the PSV Leak application and can be used only with customized Sciemetric applications. The change is due to the incompatibility of the application with the Windows 7 Embedded operating system and that many users of the sigPOD 3404 are…
Discontinuation Notice: Windows XP on sigPOD
Re: Windows® XPe or XP Pro on sigPOD As of July 17, 2015, Sciemetric will ship sigPOD systems with Windows 7 Embedded as the standard operating system (OS) as and is announcing the discontinuation of sigPODs with Windows XPe or XP Pro effective that date. This discontinuation is a result of…
Discontinuation Notice: Model 207 Card
Re: Model 207 Card Sciemetric is discontinuing the Model 207 4-channel AC LVDT conditioning module card effective immediately due to parts supplier discontinuation and low customer demand. Click here to download the discontinuation notice for key dates and other important information.
Discontinuation Notice: Miscellaneous Monitors
Re: Miscellaneous Monitors
sigPOD-style TFTs
Due to supplier discontinuances, Sciemetric is announcing the end of life of the sigPOD-style remote and integrated TFTs as listed in the discontinuation notice.
Click here to download the discontinuation notice for key dates and other impor…
Discontinuation Notice: Model 332
Re: Model 332 Leak Test Controllers The Model 332-16 and 332-32 Leak Test Controllers are being discontinued effective immediately. This discontinuance affects all part numbers starting with 10300-0332. Click here to download the discontinuation notice for key dates and other important inform…
Discontinuation Notice: Model 202 Cards
Re: Model 202 and 202D Cards Sciemetric is discontinuing the Model 202 and 202D cards effective immediately. The sigPOD family of process monitors have made the Model 202 redundant. Click here to download the discontinuation notice for key dates and other important information.